Support the Unity, Purity, and Mission of the PCA
Hope is renewed and child-like joy springs forth every year as churches celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Hope and joy are not natural ways of looking at the world. As we watch the evening news or scroll through social media, skepticism and cynicism often become our instinctive responses. Yet, the reality of the birth of Jesus reminds us that God is sovereign and directs the course of history to glorify Christ! Christians have eternal reasons for hope and joy.
As a denomination, we should be filled with hope and joy at how Christ is using the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) for “the gathering and perfecting of the saints” (WCF 25.3). Being the Administrative Committee (AC), we get a front-row seat to see what God is doing. It is always an occasion for joy to hear of churches being planted, members being added, officers being ordained, mission budgets expanding, generosity increasing, and people discovering the hope and joy found only in Jesus.
The AC serves our denomination by connecting and enabling its leaders to carry out our shared mission. We coordinate General Assembly committees, support presbyteries, serve churches, assist elders, maintain historical records, and do whatever else is needed to advance the unity, purity, and mission of this body of Christ. In short, we exist to make sure that churches, presbyteries, and elders have the resources they need when they need them to serve Christ’s calling.
Even more, Christ is using you and your church’s generosity to make this work possible. We significantly reduced our expense budget this year due to the adverse effects of the coronavirus on the giving patterns we have normally experienced. We need your help to restore resources to full strength so we can continue supporting the work of the denomination as it advances Christ’s cause.
As the year draws to a close, will you and your church consider a gift to support the work of the PCA AC? Every gift counts, whether it is $1,500 or $150. Your donation directly enables us to promote the unity, purity, and mission of the PCA. I want to thank you in advance for your sacrificial and joyful gifts.
As you read about how Christ is using the PCA in these pages, I pray that you are filled with hope and joy. Even more, I pray that God would continue to use our churches in surprising ways to help our weary world discover the hope and joy found in Christ our Lord.
Bryan Chapell
Stated Clerk
We promote the unity, purity, and mission of the PCA, by helping churches, presbyteries, and the Assembly keep ministry moving forward.
“For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”
Romans 12:4-5
“I told our session, ‘We need to support the Administrative Committee. They’ve given us a lot more value than we’ve ever donated.’ I got zero pushback.”
-PCA AC Pastor Search User
Advanced our listening ministry by advising churches and presbyteries on matters of doctrine, discipline, and legalities.
Coordinated the highest courts.
Organized meetings of leaders of ministry committees and institutions.
Taught and coordinated presbytery leadership for all regions.
Prayed for nominations of all future PCA national leaders.
Established financial standards for mission and General Assembly support.
The COVID-19 pandemic compelled us to cut costs. By God’s grace, we were able to shrink ministry scope and reduce our budget by 22 percent—without any layoffs and without shuttering any ministries.
Will you consider a gift to promote the unity, purity and mission of the PCA?
Individuals: Consider a gift to the PCA Administrative Committee.
Churches: Consider a gift of 0.35% of tithes and offerings, or $8/member per month.