The PCA Administrative Committee promotes the peace, purity, and mission of the PCA. We provide churches, presbyteries, and the Assembly with the expertise and coordination needed to fulfill our Church’s mission. We don’t set the agenda for the PCA. We just make sure its agenda is accomplished.

We help the church function as one body. The PCA Administrative Committee coordinates and facilitates the General Assembly, Nominating Committee, Cooperative Ministries Committee, ByFaith Magazine, and Interchurch Relations.

We help the church comply with its constitutional standards. The PCA Administrative Committee coordinates and facilitates the Standing Judicial Commission, Review of Presbytery Records, Theological Examining Committee, and the Committee on Constitutional Business.

We advance the Church’s mission through our pastor search resources, building fraternal relationships with other Reformed denominations in the U.S. and abroad, and coordinating the flow of communication between churches, presbyteries, and General Assembly, with all its committees and agencies.