Ukraine Captured Larry’s Heart

Ukraine Captured Larry’s Heart

Ukraine Captured Larry’s Heart Larry, pictured here on his first trip to Ukraine in 1998 with Sergey and Lyuda Betin in front of the Christian Clinic Sergey founded. Sergey is now a pastor in Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. For months, Ukraine has captured the world’s...
One Denomination. Multiple Languages.

One Denomination. Multiple Languages.

One denomiNation. Multiple Languages. More than ten percent of PCA churches, presbyteries, and teaching elders are Korean-American. The prevalence and growth of Korean Americans in the PCA isn’t a recent phenomenon. It was four decades ago when the first...

10 Must-Read byFaith Articles

10 Must-Read byFaith Articles We created byFaith to help readers see the ways our Reformed faith is expressed and applied throughout the churches and members of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). PCA congregants live, work, and worship in rural towns, large...