Book of Church Order
The Book of Church Order, commonly referred to as BCO, is part of the constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America, which is subject to and subordinate to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, the inerrant Word Of God. The BCO is comprised of the Form of Government, the Rules of Discipline and the Directory for Worship as adopted by the Church.
Preface to the Book of Church Order
Part 1 – The Form of Government (ch. 1-26)
CHAPTER 1Â The Doctrine of Church Government.
CHAPTER 2Â The Visible Church Defined
CHAPTER 3Â The Nature and Extent of Church Power
CHAPTER 4Â The Particular Church
CHAPTER 5Â The Organization of a Particular Church
CHAPTER 6Â Church Members
CHAPTER 7Â Church Officers-General Classification
CHAPTER 8Â The Elder
CHAPTER 9Â The Deacon
CHAPTER 10Â Church Courts in General
CHAPTER 11Â Jurisdiction of Church Courts
CHAPTER 12Â The Church Session
CHAPTER 13Â The Presbytery
CHAPTER 14Â The General Assembly
CHAPTER 15Â Ecclesiastical Commissions
CHAPTER 16 Church Orders – The Doctrine of Vocation
CHAPTER 17Â Doctrine of Ordination
CHAPTER 18Â Candidates for the Gospel Ministry
CHAPTER 19Â The Licensure of Candidates for the Gospel Ministry and Internship
CHAPTER 20Â The Election of Pastors
CHAPTER 21Â The Ordination and Installation of Ministers
CHAPTER 22Â The Pastoral Relations
CHAPTER 23Â The Dissolution of the Pastoral Relation
CHAPTER 24Â Election, Ordination and Installation of Ruling Elders and Deacons
CHAPTER 25Â Congregational Meetings
CHAPTER 26Â Amending the Constitution of the Church
Part 2 – The Rules of Discipline (ch. 27-46)
CHAPTER 27 Discipline – Its Nature, Subjects and Ends
CHAPTER 28Â Disciplining of Non-communing Members
CHAPTER 29Â Offenses
CHAPTER 30Â Church Censures
CHAPTER 31Â The Parties in Cases of Process
CHAPTER 32Â General Provisions Applicable to all Cases of Process
CHAPTER 33Â Special Rules Pertaining to Process Before Sessions
CHAPTER 34Â Special Rules Pertaining to Process Against a Minister (Teaching Elder)
CHAPTER 35Â Evidence
CHAPTER 36Â The Infliction of Church Censures
CHAPTER 37Â The Removal of Censure
CHAPTER 38Â Cases Without Process
CHAPTER 39Â Modes in Which the Proceedings of Lower Courts Come Under the Supervision of Higher Courts
CHAPTER 40Â General Review and Control
CHAPTER 41Â References
CHAPTER 42Â Appeals
CHAPTER 43Â Complaints
CHAPTER 44 (Vacated)
CHAPTER 45Â Dissents, Protests, and Objections
CHAPTER 46Â Jurisdiction
Part 3 – The Directory for the Worship of God (ch. 47-63)
CHAPTER 47Â The Principles and Elements of Public Worship
CHAPTER 48 The Sanctification of the Lord’s Day
CHAPTER 49Â The Ordering of Public Worship
CHAPTER 50Â The Public Reading of the Holy Scriptures
CHAPTER 51Â The Singing of Psalms and Hymns
CHAPTER 52Â Public Prayer
CHAPTER 53Â The Preaching of the Word
CHAPTER 54Â The Worship of God by Offerings
CHAPTER 55Â Confessing the Faith
CHAPTER 56Â The Administration of Baptism (The Baptism of Infants and Children)
CHAPTER 57Â The Admission of Persons to Sealing Ordinances
CHAPTER 58 The Administration of the Lord’s Supper
CHAPTER 59Â The Solemnization of Marriage
CHAPTER 60Â The Visitation of the Sick
CHAPTER 61Â The Burial of the Dead
CHAPTER 62Â Days of Fasting and Thanksgiving
CHAPTER 63Â Christian Life in the Home
Additional Resources
The following documents are not properly a part of the PCA constitution, though various general assemblies have directed that they be included in the printed Book of Church Order.