Book of Church Order
Absentee Church Members 46-2
Accusation Cautions 31-8
Barred from the Lord’s Table 33-4
New testimony, new trial 35-13
Not compelled to testify 35-1
Original party in case of process 31-3
Plead in writing 32-3
Protection of 31-8
Refusal to appear 33-2
Refusal to plead 33-2
Challenge to witness 35-1
Church as accuser 31-4
Original party in case of process 31-3
Testimony required 35-1
Adjournment, General Assembly 14-8
Administration of the Lord’s Supper 58-1 thru 58-8
Administrative Committee 14-1(12)
Admission to Sealing
Ordinances 57-1 thru 57-6
Administered 36-3
Church censure 30-1
Definition of 30-2
Adult Non-communing Members
Oversight of church 6-3, 28-4
Under care of church 28-5
Requested of higher courts by lower 41-1
Subjects for reference 41-2
Advisory member 9-4
Amending Constitution
Book of Church Order 26-2
Confession and Catechisms 26-3
Presbytery action 26-6
Abandoned 42-11
Circularizing the court 42-4
Decisions of higher court 42-9
Definition of appellant and appellee 42-1
Disqualification 39-2
Forms Appendix G
Grounds 42-3
Hearing by higher court 42-8
Litigious spirit by appellant 42-12
Lodging with higher court 42-5
New testimony, new trial 35-14
Notice of 42-6
Notice within 30 days 42-4
Records of case 42-5, 42-7, 42-9
Who can appeal 42-2
Counsel for 32-19, 42-10
Defined 42-1
Failure to appear 42-11
Litigious spirit 42-12
Lodge appeal within 30 days 42-4
Appellate Court (see also Appendix H) 40-5
Appellee Defined 42-1
Assistant pastor
Called by Session 22-3
Dissolution of relationship 22-4
Moderator of Session 12-4, 22-3
Succeed senior pastor 23-1
When senior pastor leaves 23-1
Associate Membership Defined 46-4
Associate pastor
Called by congregation 22-2
Dissolution of relationship 22-4
Moderator of Session 12-4
Succeed senior pastor 23-1
When senior pastor leaves 23-1
Adults 57-3
Infants and children 56-1 thru 56-4
Record kept by Session 12-8
Baptized Persons
Cared for 6-3
Disciplined 27-2
Bible Instruction for Children 28-2
Biblical Conflict Resolution Appendix I
Binding Conscience 11-2
Bishop or Pastor 8-1
Book of Church Order
Amending 26-2
Composition of 26-1
Budgets 9-2, 12-5
Burial Service
Appendices C, D and E
Call to Pastor 20-1, 20-6
Without Call 34-10
Called Meetings
Congregation 20-2, 24-1
General Assembly 14-3
Presbytery 13-12
Candidates for Gospel Ministry
Academic requirements 21-4
Call to a definite work 20-1
Christian service 18-5
Declaration and form of license 19-4
Definition 18-1
Different Presbytery may complete examination 19-11
Dismissed to another Presbytery 18-7, 46-6
Examination by Presbytery 18-3
Examination for licensure 19-2 thru 19-4
Missionary Service 20-12
Ordination 19-13, 19-14
Procedure of receiving 18-3
Questions for licensure 19-3
Report to Presbytery yearly 18-6
Supervised by Presbytery 18-4
Trials for licensure 19-7
Under care of Presbytery 18-2
Under jurisdiction of Session 18-4
Cases of Process
Absence from court 32-17
Accusation caution 31-8
Answer to charge 32-15
Confession 32-3, 34-7, 38-1
Defendant only 31-11
Testimony not required 35-1
Accuser 31-3, 35-1
Against Lower Court 40-6
Appeals 34-10
Appellant defined 31-3, 42-1
Appellee defined 31-3, 42-1
Attitude of court 32-1
Gross crime or heresy 30-4
Official functions 31-10
Sacraments 33-2, 33-4
Slight 34-2
Challenges 32-16, 35-1
Character investigation 31-2
Forms Appendix G
Origination 31-2, 32-2
Read 32-3, 32-15
To the court 32-15
Written 32-3
Contumacy 33-2, 34-4
Forms Appendix G
General 32-3 thru 33-7
Committee, Judicial 32-11
Confession 32-3, 34-7
Counsel 32-3, 32-19
Deposed minister 34-8, 34-9
Dereliction of duty 34-10
Discussions during trial 32-14
Disqualification 32-16, 32-17, 32-19,
33-4, 35-11, 39-2
Divestiture 34-10
Excommunication 34-4
Failure to act, or to consider 33-1, 43-2
Heresy 34-5
Content 32-5
Drawn and served 32-3
Form 31-4, Appendix G
Read 32-15
Instituted 31-2, 31-7, 32-2
Judgment recorded 32-15
Judicial Committee 32-11
Members of court 32-15, 32-17
Minutes of trial 32-18
Oath of witness 35-6
General 31-6
Distant 32-8, 32-9, 32-20
Public or private 31-5, 34-3
Time limit for accusation 32-20
Original jurisdiction 31-1, 33-1, 34-1
Refusal to 32-6, 33-2
Written 32-3
Presbytery vs. ministers 34-1 thru 34-10
Appointed 31-2, 32-3
Heard first 32-15
Represents church 31-3
Voluntary 31-3, 31-9
Reconciliation, reclaiming …31-5, 32-1
Copies 32-18
Of charges 34-4
Other court’s use 32-18, 35-8
Testimony of witness 35-7
Appeal or complaint 32-18
Of scandal 34-6
Private 31-5, 31-7
Repentance 33-2
Restoration of minister 34-8
Roll call 32-15
Schism 34-5
Sessions vs. members 33-1 thru 33-4
Spouse, testimony 35-2
Statute of Limitation 32-20
Suspension of Judgment 42-6, 43-4
Sacraments 33-2
Official function 31-10, 34-4, 34-7, 34-8
Testimony 35-9 thru 35-14
Trial 32-12 thru 32-18
Challenge of 35-1
Distant 32-8
Examined 32-13, 32-15, 35-1, 35-4, 35-5
Number of 35-3
Oath 35-6
Verdict 32-15
Vote 32-15
Cases without process
Communing member or officer with charge 38-2, 38-3
Demitting without censure 38-2
Joining other church/denomination 38-3
Voluntary statement 38-1
Catechism (Larger and Shorter)
Amending 26-3
Children’s instruction 28-2
Part of Constitution Preface III, 26-1
Censures of Church
Admonition administered 36-2
Admonition defined 30-2
Censure administered 36-2
Deposition defined 30-5
Deposition administered 36-7, 38-2
Excommunication defined 30-4
Excommunication administered 36-6
Removal of censures 37-1 thru 37-7
Suspension defined 30-3
Suspension administered 36-4, 36-5
Certificate of Dismission
Baptized children 12-5
Presbytery to minister 46-6
Secured by candidate 18-7
Secured by interns 19-8
Session to member 12-5
Session to members in good standing 46-1
Valid for one year 46-7
Challenge (in Case of Process)
Member of the court 32-16
Witness 35-1
Charge Against Offender
Caution in receiving charges 31-8, 34-2
Form Appendix G
Made by some person or persons 32-2
Written 33-3
Baptism of 56-4
Church instructs 28-2
Members of visible Church 2-1, 56-4
Pastoral oversight 6-1
Profession of faith 28-3
Responsibility of parents and church 28-1
Under care of church 28-5
Doctrine, government, discipline
and worship Preface I
King and Head of Church Preface I
Names in Scriptures Preface I
Officers in church Preface I
Present Preface I
Christian Life in Home 63-1 thru 63-6
Agency Christ ordained 3-5
Associate member 46-4
Building dedication Appendix F
Calling a pastor 20-2 thru 20-11
Catholic, defined 1-3
Courts in general 10-1 thru 10-6
Duties of officers 7-2, 7-3
Incorporation of 25-7
Members of 1-3, 6-1,6-4, 46-4
New church organization 5-1, 13-8
Officers of 4-2, 7-2
Ordinances 4-4
Particular, definition 4-1
Polity consists of 7-2
Property 25-8, 25-9
Reception of, examination 13-8
Unity 2-2
Visible, definition 1-3, 2-1
Withdrawal 25-11
Worship without teaching elder 4-5
Church Courts
Authority moral or spiritual 11-1
Binding conscience, may not 11-2
Clerks, duties 10-4
Expenses of members 10-6
General Assembly 14-1
Jurisdiction limited by Constitution 11-4
Jurisdiction ministerial/declarative 11-2
Moderators of 10-3
Names of 10-2
One in nature 11-3
Open and close with prayer 10-5
Presbyteries composed of 10-1
Presbytery 13-1 thru 13-12
Referrals, lower courts to higher 11-3
Rights of courts 11-4
Sessions 12-1 thru 12-9
Sphere of action defined 11-4
Church Government
Joint, not several 1-5
Officers 1-4, 16-2
Purpose of 1-2
Representative 1-1
Scriptural form 1-1
Church Organization of Particular
(see Particular Church)
Church Power
Divine sanction 3-6
Ecclesiastical power Preface II-7, 3-2
Functions 3-3
Joint power in Session 4-3
Limitation of Pref. II-1 and 7, 3-4,11-4
Representative 3-1
Spiritual exclusively 3-1, 3-4
Vested in rulers and ruled 3-1
Church Property
Buying and selling 25-6, 25-7
Civil law 25-11
Dissolved churches 25-12
Funds controlled and disbursed 25-7
Ownership 25-8
Seizure of 25-10
Church Growth 13-9g, 14-6d, 47-3
Circularizing 42-4, 43-2
Citation (in Cases of Process)
Duly served 32-10
Form Appendix G
Issued and signed 32-4
Refusal to obey 32-6, 33-2, 34-4
Time lapse 32-7
Unconstitutional proceedings 40-5
Civil Authority Preface II-1, 25-6, 25-11
Congregational meeting 25-5
Courts 10-4
Duties of 10-4, 32-18
Closed Session 42-8, 43-9
Commissions (Ecclesiastical)
(see also Appendix H)
Appointed authority 35-10
Authority 15-1
Consists of 15-2 thru 15-4
Defined 15-1
Judicial cases 15-3
Provisional national churches 15-6
Quorum of 15-2, 15-3
Records 15-1
Standing Judicial 15-1,15-4, 15-5
Commissioners to General Assembly
Expenses, how paid 10-6
Credentials 14-4
Congregational representation 14-2
Quorum 14-5
Called meetings representation 14-3
Committees of General Assembly 14-1
Communion 58-1 thru 58-8
Complainant Defined 43-3
Abandoned 43-7
Circularizing the court 42-4, 43-2
Commission appointed 43-8
Definition of 43-1
Denial of error 43-3
Disqualification 39-2
Form Appendix G
Hearing 43-9
Higher court 43-6, 43-10
Representatives 43-5
Respondent 43-5
Suspension of action 43-4
Time requirements 43-2, 43-3
Written 43-1
Confessing Faith as Part of Worship 55-1
Confession of Faith
Amending 26-3, 26-5
Part of Constitution Preface III, 26-1
Confession of Offense
Any person 32-3, 38-1
Minister 34-7
Confessional Subscription
Differences/Exceptions 21-4.b, e, f
Questions for ordination 21-5
Presbytery affiliation 25-11
Pastor selection 20-2, 23-1
Property rights 25-9 thru 25-12
Ordination/installation of officers 24-6
Installation of minister 21-10
Ordination of minister 21-6
Congregational Meetings
Absentee voting prohibited 20-4, 24-3, 24-4
Clerk of 25-5
Members request 25-2
Trustees elected 25-6
Moderator elected 20-3, 24-2, 25-4
Notice of one week 25-2
Quorum for 25-3
Session calls 12-5, 20-2, 25-2
Pastor elected 20-2 thru 20-4
Ruling elders and deacons elected 24-1 thru 24-5
Voters 24-3, 25-1
Conscience Preface II-1 and 7, 11-2, 14-1(4)
Constitution of PCA
Definition Preface III, 26-1
Amending 26-2 thru 26-6
Principles applied 32-20, 34-10, 38-2, 40-6
Control (oversight) 11-4, 13-9f
Contumacy 32-6, 33-2, 34-4
Assigned to necessarily absent 32-3
Professional not allowed 32-19
Right of appellant to 42-9
Who may represent the accused 32-19
Court of Jurisdiction 11-4, 32-8 and 9
Assistance from godly men or women 9-7
Conferences 9-6
Definition of office 9-1
Dissolve relationship against their will 24-7, 24-9, 34-10
Divested without censure 34-10, 38-2
Duties of 7-2, 7-3, 9-2
Election 3-1; 16-2; 24-1, 3 thru 8
Emeritus 24-10
Gifts of 16-3
Ordination by a court 17-1
Ordination, questions 24-6
Organized as board 9-4
Pastor, advisory member 9-4
Qualifications of 9-3
Resignation or dissolving of office 24-7 thru 9; 38-3
Session ordains and installs 12-5
Session oversight 12-5
Special assignments 9-5
Definite Suspension
Administered 36-4
Church censure 30-1
Definition 30-3
Demission 38-2
Deposed Minister
Conditions for restoration 34-8
Restoration 37-5, 37-7
Administration 36-7
Appeal 42-6
Deposition (continued)
Church censure 30-1
Confession by minister 34-7
Defined 30-5
Disobeying citations 34-4
Heresy and schism 34-5
Restoration of minister or officer 37-5
Destitute Regions 4-5, 8-6, 15-6
[cf. MTW Policy Manual 2.02.1(5)]
Differences to WCF 21-4.b, e, f
Administrative & judicial 27-1
Duty of Presbytery and Session 32-1
Grounds for 29-2
Ordained by Christ Preface I
Power of 27-4
Principles of 27-5
Purpose of 27-3
Who is subject to Dismission (see Certificate of Dismission) 27-2
Definition of 45-2
Time limitation 45-1
Treatment by court 45-5
Who may join 45-1, 45-5
Withdrawal 45-5
Dissolution of Pastoral Relation
Congregational initiative 23-1
Deposition as cause 34-9
Procedure of 23-1
Resignation of pastor 23-1
Succeeding senior pastor 23-1
Suspension of minister 34-9
Divestiture from Office
Membership of divested minister 46-8
Minister against his will 34-10
Minister at his request 38-2
Officer against his will 24-7, 9; 34-10
Officer at his request 38-2
Ecclesiastical Commission (see Commissions)
Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
Church courts 11-1 thru 11-4
Joint power 1-5, 3-6, 4-3, 8-3
Ecclesiastical Power (see Church Power) 46-1 thru 46-8
Defined 7-2, 8-8
Duties 7-2, 8-3
Election Preface II-6, 3-1
16-2, 24-1 thru 24-5, 24-8
Emeritus 24-10
Gifts 8-4
Inactive 13-2, 24-7 thru 10, 37-6
Installation of 24-6
Ordination of 24-6, 24-7
Parity 8-8
Qualifications 8-2
Resignation 24-7, 24-9
Ruling elders 8-8, 8-9
(see also Ruling Elders)
Titles 8-1
Teaching Elders 8-4 thru 8-7
(see also Ministers and Teaching Elders)
Election of Pastor
Call 20-1, 20-6
Installation service 21-8 thru 21-11
Minority refusal to concur 20-5
Moderator, congregational meeting 20-3
Presbytery approval 20-10
Procedure of local church 20-2
Prosecution of call 20-8, 20-9
Pulpit committee 20-2
Subscription of call 20-7
Voting 20-3, 20-4
Election of Ruling Elders and Deacons
Congregational meeting 24-4
Electing additional officers 24-1
Examination of nominees 24-1
Moderator of congregational meeting 24-2, 25-4
Number of officers 24-1
Ordination and installation 24-6, 24-7
Public notice given 24-1
Quorum of congregational meeting 25-3
Re-elected, installed, not ordained 24-8
Voting 24-3
Election of Officers
By congregation Preface II-6, 3-1, 16-2, 24-1, 24-4
Inalienable right of church 16-2
Emeritus 23-3, 24-10
Evangelism Duty of Elders 8-3
Called and appointed 8-5
Minister of the Word 8-5
Ordination questions 21-11
Organize churches/ordain officers 8-6
Receive and dismiss members 8-6
Accused not compelled to testify 35-1
Accuser required to testify 35-1
Certified testimony valid 35-9
Challenge of witnesses 35-1
Commission appointment 35-10
Competency of witnesses 35-1
Court judges evidence 35-1
Examination of witnesses 35-4, 35-5
More than one witness necessary 35-3
New testimony, new trial 35-13, 35-14, 42-5
Oath of witness 35-6
Questions asked witness 35-7
Records authenticated 35-8
Refusing to testify 35-12
Spouse testimony 35-2
Taking testimony 15-2, 35-10
Witness disqualified as judge, if challenged 35-11
Admission to sealing ordinances 57-2
Candidate for Gospel ministry 18-3
Candidate for internship 19-9
Candidate for licensure 19-2
Elders of congregation being
received 13-8
Intern for ordination 21-4, 21-5
Minister from another
denomination/Presbytery 13-6
Officer nominees 5-9(2), 12-5, 16-3, 24-1
Exceptions/Differences to WCF 21-4
Form for administering 36-6
Appeal 42-6
Church censure 30-1
Contumacy 34-4
Defined 30-4
Disobeying citations 34-4
Purpose of 30-4
Restoration of person 37-3
Expenses Attending Church Court
Paid 10-6
Extraordinary Case
Candidates 18-2
Licensure trials 19-2
Ordination trials 21-4
Fasting and Thanksgiving 62-1 thru 62-7
Baptism, infant 56-6
Call to a pastor 20-6
Censures 36-5, thru 36-7
Communion 58-5, 58-7
Dedication of Building Appendix F
Funeral Appendices C, D and E
General Assembly adjournment 14-8
Indictment 31-4
Internship 19-8
Judicial Discipline Appendix G
Licensure 19-4
Marriage Appendices A and B
Ministerial Obligation 13-7
Ordination of minister 21-7
Ordination/installation of officers 24-6
Organization of particular church 5-8
Restoration from censures 37-1, 37-3, 37-4, 37-5
General Assembly
Actions, effect of 14-7
Adjournment 14-8
Called meeting of 14-3
Committees of 14-1
Consists of 14-2
Definition of 14-1
Examining committee 14-1, 14
Expenses of commissioners 10-6
Judicial cases to commission 15-3
Jurisdiction over whole church 11-4
Meets annually 14-2
Nominating committee 14-1.11
Opens and closes with prayer 10-5
Organization 14-1
Permanent court 14-2
Powers of 14-6, 7, 15-6
Quorum of 14-5
Quorum of Judicial Commission 15-3
Visiting brethren 13-13
General offenses 29-2, 29-3, 31-6
Government of Church
(see Church Government)
Heresy and Schism 34-5
Higher Court
Advice to lower court 41-4, 41-5
Citation to lower court 40-5
Complaints 43-1 thru 43-5
Hearing an appeal 42-8
Jurisdiction of 11-4
Limits of jurisdiction Preface II-1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 11-4
Neglect of lower court 42-7
Process against lower court 40-6
References 41-1 thru 41-6
Review of lower courts 11-4
Subjects for reference 41-2
Holy Spirit, Application of Benefits (Preface 1)
Christian life in 63-1 thru 63-6
Church to promote religion in 28-1
Honorably Retired 23-2 and 3
Inactive Elders (see Elders)
Incorporation 25-7
Indefinite Suspension
Administered 36-5
Defined 30-3
Removal of censure 37-3
Baptism of 6-1, 56-1 thru 56-6
Membership in church 1-3, 2-2, 6-1
Infliction of Church Censures
Private and public offenses 36-2
Spirit of meekness 36-1
Suited to offense 36-2
Interim Pastors (see Stated Supply)
Intern, Internship
Applicant for 19-8
Approval of 19-13
Approval of call of 19-14
Called by congregation 19-14
Changing Presbyteries 19-11
Cooperative agreements 19-11
Disapproval of 19-13
Establishment of 19-7
Examination for 19-9
Previous Experience 19-16
Relation of to Session 19-15
Report on 19-12
Restrictions on 19-15
Testing gifts 19-7
Installation of Minister
Procedure 21-1 thru 21-9
Questions asked congregation 21-10
Questions asked minister 21-9
Personal offenses by court 31-5, 31-7
Requested by aggrieved 31-2
Irregular(ity) 34-5, 40-3
Joint Power 1-5, 3-6, 4-3, 7-2, 8-3
Judicial Case (see Appeals, Complaint and References)
Judicial Commissions
Matters executed by 15-2
Quorum in Presbytery 15-2
Record of Case 15-1, 15-5
Standing Judicial Commission 15-1, 15-4, 15-5
Taking of testimony 15-2
Judicial Committee
(see also Appendix H) 32-11
Jurisdiction of Church Courts
Defined for each court 11-4
Divested minister assigned church membership 46-8
Joining another denomination 38-3
Joint power 1-5
Limited by constitution 11-4
Ministerial and declarative 11-2
Moral or spiritual 11-1
Original: Session and Presbytery 46-1 thru 46-8
Persons under censure who move 37-7
Presbytery over minister, licentiate or candidate 5-1, 13-2, 19-1, 46-6
Session over members 12-5
Laboring Out of Bounds 8-7, 13-2, 13-5
Licensure, Licentiates
Candidates for the ministry 19-1
Examination for 19-2
Ministers from other denominations 19-1
Missionary Service 20-12
Necessity 18-5, 19-1
Procedure for 19-2
Questions for 19-3
Renewal procedures 19-6
Licensure, Licentiates (continued)
Ruling elders 19-1
Terms 19-6
Transfer to another Presbytery 19-5, 46-6
Litigious Spirit 31-8, 42-12
Lord’s Day
Sanctification of 48-1 thru 48-7
Lord’s Supper
Administration 58-1 thru 58-8
Lower Court
Advice from higher court 41-1, 41-5
Cited by higher court 40-5
Discharge of duty 41-5
Jurisdiction 11-4, 46-1 thru 46-8
Neglect to send record of case 42-7
Preparation of case 41-6
Process against 40-6
Reference representatives 41-4
References to higher court 41-3
Review and control 11-4
Subjects for reference 41-2
Supervision of higher court 39-1
Service Appendices A and B
Solemnization of 59-1 thru 59-7
Members of Church
Associate, defined 46-4
Baptized persons 6-3
Certificate of dismission 46-7
Children of believers 6-1
Communing, defined 6-2
Corporation members 25-7
Discipline 27-2
Erasure/dismissal 38-3, 38-4, (46-5)
Joining another denomination 38-3
Membership 1-3
Non-communing defined 6-1, 56-4
Privileges of 6-4
Process against 33-1 thru 33-4
Professing Faith 6-4
Questions to new members 57-5
Received on profession of faith 46-1, 57-6
Removal from roll 46-2
Session jurisdiction of transfers 46-2, 46-3
Session, court of original jurisdiction 31-1
Transferring membership 46-1
Admission to Presbytery 13-5, 13-6
Call, terms and form 20-5
Cases of process 31-1 thru 31-20, 34-1 thru 34-10
Demission 38-2
Deposing, demitting 38-2, 46-8
Dissolving relationship 23-1
Divested against his will 34-10, 46-8
Divested at his request 38-2
Election of 16-2, 20-1 thru 20-11, 23-1
Emeritus 23-3
Evangelist 8-6
From other denominations 13-6, 19-1, 20-13, 21-1, 21-4
Gifts 8-4
Installation of 21-9 thru 21-11
Laboring out of bounds 13-2
Laboring outside of PCA 8-7
Membership in Presbytery 13-2, 46-6
Ministerial Obligation 13-7
Missionary of another denomination 20-13
Ordination of 21-1 thru 21-8
Organizing pastor 8-6
Other fields of service 8-4, 8-7
Presbytery, court of original jurisdiction 31-1
Qualifications of 8-2
Questions for ordination 21-5
Restoration after censure 34-8, 37-1 thru 37-9
Retirement 23-2
Transfer 13-6, 20-9, 21-4, 46-6
Voting in Session 4-3, 12-1
Without call 13-2, 34-10
Minister, Process Against
Accusation cautioned 34-2
Church of deposed minister 34-9
Citations disobeyed 34-4
Confession 34-7
Deposed for heresy and schism 34-5
Deposed without excommunication 38-2, 46-8
Divested without censure 34-10, 38-2, 46-8
Minister, Process Against (continued)
Neglect of duty 34-10
Presbytery jurisdiction 34-1
Removal of scandal 34-6
Restoration after censure 34-8, 37-7
Warning in private 34-3
Case of trial 32-18
Presbytery 13-10
Session 12-7
Mission Church
Civil government, relationship 5-7
Defined 5-1
Establishment of 5-2
Government 5-3
Judicial Process of 5-5
Members received 5-4
Particular church, distinction 5-1
Ordination 20-12
Other denomination 20-13
Authenticates records of court 35-8
Authority of 10-3
Congregational meetings 20-3, 24-2, 25-4
Duties of 10-3, 13-11, 13-12
General Assembly 10-3
Presbytery 10-3
Session 10-3
Session when pastor is absent 12-2
Session with associate or assistant pastor 12-4
Session with no pastor 12-3
Mutual Love and Confidence 25-11
National Church Provisional Presbytery 15-6
Neglect of Lower Court to Send up Record 42-7
New Trial/New Evidence 35-13, 35-14
Nominating Committee 14-1.11
Nominating Procedures 5-9, 16-2, 24-1, 24-3, 24-4
Non-communing Member of Church
Adult 6-3, 28-4, 28-5
Become communing members 28-3
Children 5-4, 6-1, 6-3, 28-1, 28-2
Discipline 28-1 thru 28-5
Under care of church 28-5
Non-Resident Members 46-2
Notice of Appeal
Effects 42-6
Form Appendix G
Within 30 days 42-4, 42-5
Written 42-4
Objection Defined 45-4
Obligation Subscription 13-7
Offenses Defined 29-1 thru 29-4
Charges 32-2
Reconciliation 30-4, 31-5, 31-7
Restoration 34-8, 37-1 thru 37-7
Offerings, Worship of God 54-1 thru 54-3
Ordination and Installation of Ministers
Call to a work required 21-2
Commission 15-2
Definition of 17-2
Differences to Standards 21-4
Doctrine of 17-1 thru 17-3
Presbytery jurisdiction over church 21-3
Procedure of 21-1 thru 21-11
Questions to congregation 21-6, 21-10
Questions to minister 21-5, 21-9
Requirements for trials 21-4
Ordination and Installation of Ruling Elders and Deacons
Inducted by a court 1-6, 17-1
Perpetual office 24-7
Procedure 24-4
Questions to congregation 24-6
Questions to officers-elect 24-6
Organic Union with Other Bodies 26-4
Organization of Particular Church
By a commission 5-8
Deacons elected 5-10
Pastor elected 5-11
Presbytery authority only 5-8
Procedure 5-8
Ruling Elders elected 5-9
Original Jurisdiction 11-4, 31-1, 33-1, 34-1
Out of Bounds 8-7
Particular Church
Definition of 4-1
Examination of Session 13-8
Incorporation 25-7
New church organized 5-1 thru 5-3
Officers of 4-2
Presbytery affiliation 13-8, 25-11
Property ownership 25-9
Session jurisdiction 4-3
Unincorporated, power of trustees 25-6
Withdrawal 25-11
Parents Responsible for Children 28-1
Parties in Cases of Process
(see also Cases of Process)
Accused and accuser 31-3
Accused defendant only 31-11
Challenge of member 32-16
Copies of proceedings 32-18
Withdrawal while court deliberates 32-14
Witnesses examined 32-13
Parts of Trials for
Licensure 19-7
Ordination 21-4
(see also Minister, and Minister, Process against)
Call prosecuted 20-8 thru 20-11
Dissolution of relationship 23-1
Divestiture 34-10, 38-2, 46-8
Duties 8-5
Election of Preface II-6, 3-1, 16-2, 20-2, 23-1
Emeritus 23-3
Expenses paid to church courts 10-6
Installation service 21-5 thru 21-10
Moderator of congregational meetings 24-2, 25-4
Moderator of Session 12-3, 12-2
Non-PCA calls 20-1
Ordination 21-1 thru 21-8
Power to convene Session 12-6
Qualifications 8-2
Refusal by minority to concur 20-5
Testimonials furnished by his Presbytery 20-11
Transferal 20-10
Voting 4-3, 12-1, 20-4, 22-2
Personal Offenses Defined 20-2, 29-3
(see Church Government, and Church Power) 7-2
Power (see Church Power)
Powers of
Church judicatories Preface II-2, 7, 8, 11-1, 11-2, 11-4
General Assembly 14-6 and 7
Presbytery 13-9
Session 12-5 thru 12-8
Preaching of The Word 12-5(e), 53-1 thru 53-6
Bounds, boundary 13-1
Commission appointed by 15-2, 15-3
Consists of 13-1
Court of original jurisdiction for minister 31-1
Dissolves pastoral relation 23-1
Divest minister against his will 34-10
Divest minister on his request 38-2, 46-8
Judicial Commission acting as Appellate Court Appendix H
Jurisdiction of 11-4
Jurisdiction over dismissed minister, licentiate, or candidate 46-6
Labor in bounds, out of bounds 13-2, 13-5
Meetings, called and stated 13-12
Minister’s membership in 13-2
Open and close with prayer 10-5
Ordains ministers 21-2
Powers of 12-6, 13-9
Process against minister 34-1
Quorum of 13-4
Records 13-10
Reports to General Assembly 13-10
Visiting brethren 13-13
Principles of Public Worship 47-1 thru 47-9
Private Offenses 29-2, 29-4
Process, Cases of (see Cases of Process)
Process Against Lower Court 40-4 thru 40-6
Process Against Minister (see Minister, Process Against)
Process Before Session
Against church member 33-1
Barred from Lord’s Table 33-4
Censure for crime or heresy 33-3
Citations disobeyed 33-2
Refusal to plead 33-2
Professional Counsel Not Permitted 32-19
Prosecution of Call 20-8 thru 20-11
Care of 9-2
Civil law 25-11
Covenant on property rights 25-10
Dissolved church 25-12
Ownership 25-7 thru 25-9
Prosecutor in Judicial Cases
Communing member 31-2
Member of the court 31-2
Professional counsel not permitted 32-19
Reconciliation tried first 31-5
Voluntary or appointed 31-2, 31-6
Warning to voluntary prosecutor 31-9
Definition of 45-3
Time limitation 45-1
Treatment by court 45-5
Who may 45-1, 41-5
Withdrawal 45-5
Provisional Presbytery Foreign Country 15-6
Public Offenses 29-2, 29-4
Public Prayer 52-1 thru 52-5
Public Worship
Confessing the faith 55-1
Offering 54-1 thru 54-3
Ordering of 49-1, 49-2
Prayer 52-1 thru 52-5
Preaching of the Word 53-1 thru 53-6
Scripture Reading 50-1 thru 50-4
Singing 51-1 thru 51-5
Questions to
Bride and groom
Appendices A and B
Candidates 18-3
Baptism of infant 56-5
Dedication of building
Appendix F
Election of officers 24-4
Installation of minister 21-10
Ordination/installation of officers 24-6
Ordination of minister 21-6
Evangelist 21-11
Licentiate 19-3
Minister 21-5, 21-9
Parents at infant baptism 56-5
Person professing faith 57-5
Restored person 37-4
Witnesses 35-6
Commissions (ecclesiastical) 15-2
Congregational Meetings 25-3
General Assembly 14-5
Judicial Commission 15-2
Presbytery 13-4
Session 12-1, 15-2
Reading of Scriptures 50-1 thru 50-4
Reception of Church 13-8
Reception of Members
Certificate 46-1, 57-6
Profession of faith 12-5, 28-3, 57-1 thru 57-5
Reconciliation Attempted by Injured Party 31-5
Record of Case, of Process
Appeal or complaint 15-5, 42-5
Definition of 32-18, 42-5
Filing with higher court 32-18, 42-5, 43-6
Lower court rebuked for failure 42-7, 43-6
Records of a Court
Annual review by higher court 40-1, 40-3
Clerk’s duties 10-4
Examination by higher court 40-2
Evidence in all courts 35-8
Sessional 12-7, 12-8
Records of Board of Deacons 9-4
Advice only on final disposition 41-3
Definition of 41-1
Duty of higher court 41-5
How and by whom presented 41-4
Mode for bringing proceedings 39-1
Preparation of case by lower court 41-6
Response by higher court 41-5
Subjects for 41-2
Refusal of Accused to
Appear 33-2
Plead 33-2
Refusal of Witness to Testify 35-12
Removal of Censure
By court 34-8, 37-7
Cautions 37-8
Converse with suspended person 37-2
Deposed person 37-5
Excommunicated person 37-4
Offender has moved 37-7
Suspended offender 37-1 thru 37-3
Removal of Membership
Certificate 46-1
Duty of Sessions when neglected 46-2
Willful neglect 38-4
Renouncing Jurisdiction 38-4
Of Pastor 23-1
Of Elder/Deacon 24-7
Respondent Appointed to Answer Complaint 43-3
Restoration of Censured 34-8, 37-1 thru 37-9
Retirement of Ministers 23-2
Review of Records
Failure to follow
constitutional procedure 40-5
Neglect on part of lower court 40-4
Proceedings of lower court before higher 11-4, 39-1
Process against lower court 40-6
Record of approval, disapproval or correction 40-3
Records of lower court 13-9, 12-7, 40-1
Subject of reviews 11-4, 13-10, 14-6c, 40-2
Roll of Members 12-8
Ruling Elders
Authority and eligibility 8-8
Certificate of appointment 13-3
Dissolving relationship against their will 24-7, 24-9, 34-10
Dissolving relationship upon
request 38-2
Divested without censure 34-10, 38-2
Duties of 7-2, 7-3, 8-3
Duties to members who move 46-2
Duties when there are no deacons 9-2
Election Preface II-6, 3-1, 16-2, 24-1 thru 24-5, 24-8
Emeritus 24-10
Examination of 5-9(2), 12-5,
16-3, 24-1
Expense of church courts paid 10-6
Gifts of 16-3
Inactive 24-7 thru 24-10
Joining another denomination 38-3
Licensure to preach 19-1, 19-2
Officer of church 8-1
Ordination and installation of 24-6
Ordination by a court 17-1
Process against 33-1 thru 33-4, 34-10
Questions asked ruling elders-elect
and members 24-6
Qualifications of 8-2
Re-election to office 24-8
Represents church in higher
Courts 12-5f, 13-1, 14-2
Resignation or dissolving of
office 24-7, 24-9
Restoration of censured 34-8,
37-1 thru 37-9
Teaching aptitude 8-9
Without call 24-7 thru 24-9
Ruling Elder Supply
Defined 22-6
Length of service 22-6
Session oversight with
Presbytery approval 22-6
Sabbath, Sanctification of 48-1 thru 48-7
Schism and Heresy 34-5
Sealing Ordinances 57-1 thru 57-6
Bar accused from Lord’s Table 33-4
Censure for gross crime/heresy 33-3
Certificates of dismission to
members in good standing 46-1
Consists of 12-1
Contumacious member 33-2
Court of original
jurisdiction 31-1, 33-1
Delete names from roll 46-5
Divest officer at his request 24-7, 38-2
Divest officer against his
will 24-7, 24-9, 34-10
Duties and power of 12-5 thru 12-8
Examines officers-elect 24-1
Joint meetings with deacons 9-4
Jurisdiction over dismissed member
until received 46-3
Jurisdiction over single church 11-4
Meetings 12-6
Open and close meetings 12-9
Quorum 12-1
Records 12-7, 12-8
Records examined by Presbytery 40-2
Records to Presbytery annually 12-7
Spiritual government 12-5
Stated meetings held quarterly 12-6
Temporary or Interim 5-3, 15-1
Singing of Psalms/Hymns 51-1 thru 51-5
Standing Judicial Commission 14-1(15),
15-1, 15-4, 15-5
Stated Meetings
Board of Deacons 9-4
Congregation 49-2
General Assembly 14-2
Presbytery 13-12
Session 12-6
Stated Supply
Defined 22-5
Length of service 22-6
Ruling elder 22-5, 22-6
Session oversight with Presbytery
approval 18-5, 19-1, 22-5, 22-6
Student Supply 18-5, 19-1, 22-5, 22-6
Suspended Minister
(see also Suspension)
Suspended Minister (continued)
Pastoral relation dissolved 34-9
Restored 34-8, 37-1, 37-3, 37-8
Suspended Person (see also Suspension)
Restoration of 37- 1 thru 37-5
Session to visit 37-2
Administered 36-4, 36-5
Church censure 30-1
Citations disobeyed 34-4
Contumacy 34-4
Defined 30-3
Definite and indefinite 30-3
Minister making confession 34-7
Official functions 31-10
Removal of and from 37-1 thru 37-3
System of doctrine Preface I-4, 19-3(2), 21-5(2), 24-6(2)
Teaching Elders
(see also Elder, Minister, Pastor)
Class of office 7-2
Duties 8-5
Emeritus 23-3
Evangelists 8-6
Gifts 8-4
Other works 8-4, 8-7
Titles 8-5
Transfer 46-6
Without call 13-2, 34-10
Commission 32-8
Coordinate court 32-8, 35-10
More than one witness 35-3
New testimony, new trial 35-13
Of member of court 35-11
Records for all courts 35-8
Refusal 35-12
Valid in every court if certified 35-9
Transfer of membership 12-5a, 13-6, 20-10, 46-1 thru 46-3, 46-6
Treasurer 9-4
For Licensure 19-7
For Ordination 21-4
Of Offenders (see Cases of Process)
Duties of 25-6 thru 25-8
Elected 25-6
Powers 25-7
Union With Other Bodies 26-4, 26-5
Usurpation of Authority 7-3
Visible Church
Kingdom of Grace 1-2, 2-1
Unity Defined 2-2
Visitation of the Sick 60-1
Vitals of Religion 21-4, 34-5
Doctrine of 16-1
Gifts 16-3
Voluntary Prosecutor
Accepted by court 31-6
Probable cause of charges 31-9
Voluntary Relationship 25-11
Voter Qualifications 20-4, 24-3, 25-1
Voting on Call to Minister 20-4
Voting Percentages (Quorums) 12-1, 13-4
Wedding Services Appendices A and B
Challenge to 35-1
Citation 32-4
Distant from court 32-8
Examination 32-13, 35-4, 35-5
Form of citation Appendix G
Member of court 35-11
Oath of 35-6
Questions, written 35-7
Refusing to testify 32-6, 35-12
Spouses 35-2
Who is competent 35-1
Women in the Church
Assist deacons 9-7
Sessional oversight of 12