Celebrating the PCA’s Golden Jubilee

The dictionary defines “jubilee” as the celebration of a special anniversary. Jubilee seems like an appropriate way to describe the celebration of our 50 years as a denomination. But the term has biblical importance as well. Our English word “jubilee” ultimately traces back to the Hebrew “yobel,” the term used for the ram’s horn blown to announce the arrival of the year of jubilee (Lev. 25:9).
In the Bible, the year of jubilee came every 50 years. It was a year of restoration, renewal, and rejoicing. Similarly, we want to see God use our fiftieth year as an occasion to rejoice at what God has done since our founding and renew us for the years that lie ahead. To that end, the PCA Administrative Committee has convened a team of men and women from across our denomination to help us mark this important milestone and invite celebration across the denomination.
Here is a quick overview of ways you can join to mark our golden jubilee:
1. Pray. Volunteers have created a year-long prayer calendar available for purchase for personal or family use. We are also publishing a monthly prayer guide you can browse online. Plans are underway as well for a day of prayer on May 21, 2023 to mark the date of the original convocation of sessions, where the vote to form our denomination took place.
2. Unite in Weekly Devotions. Every Monday, a special devotional is published online from church leaders around the denomination to unite us around the priorities of God’s Word. Each contemplates a passage of Scripture that connects to the priority of Scripture, the core tenets of the Reformed faith, and the urgency of the Great Commission. You can subscribe here.
3. Celebrate through Video Testimonies. We have gathered many video testimonies of men and women who are celebrating how their spiritual growth has been significantly impacted by the PCA and the elders who’ve shepherded them over the years. These testimonies will be sprinkled throughout our General Assembly sessions, but you can see previews online.
4. Deepen understanding through Historical Resources. Encourage your heart and deepen your understanding by considering key documents and moments that were pivotal to the start of our denomination or submit your own artifacts connected to the PCA’s history you wish to share with others. A brief timeline of the PCA’s history is also available.
5. Sign up for the Commemorative Publication. The staff of byFaith will publish a commemorative edition after the Anniversary Assembly with reflections on the people and moments which have defined our development. This publication is free to current byFaith magazine subscribers, and anyone who subscribes online to receive it.
6. Rejoice through the Celebration Concert. The jubilee will be a running theme throughout this year’s Assembly in Memphis. One of the key events will be the PCA 50th Celebration Concert with Indelible Grace and friends. This concert is made possible through the generosity of the Memphis Host Committee and Reformed University Fellowship. Tickets can be purchased online.
7. Attend our 50th Anniversary General Assembly with its many special seminars, sermons, and worship services at this year’s General Assembly. We will have recognitions of our church fathers, glorious worship services celebrating God’s faithfulness, seminars to serve local church needs, women’s and family events to honor and build Christ’s body, and faithful preaching of God’s Word to inspire us for Christ’s future mission.
8. Plan Presbytery and Church Events. We are inviting and encouraging every presbytery and church to mark the occasion of our denominational jubilee with prayer and praise. Resources are being created and distributed to provide practical ways for those who are interested to participate.
9. Help support these efforts as we celebrate God’s faithfulness to the PCA.
As you can see, a significant amount of work has taken place to celebrate God’s faithfulness and pray for the church’s future. We look back with gratitude on the people and events God used to shape us. We look forward in prayer for God to do more than we can ask or think in the years to come. Stay up-to-date by subscribing to our anniversary updates.