Other PCA Agencies
The PCA has 10 Permanent Committees and Agencies, one being the Administrative Committee. Please see below to find out more about the others, and to go to their websites:
Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM):Â Â http://www.pcacdm.org/
PCA Bookstore:Â Â http://www.cepbookstore.com/
Covenant College:Â Â http://www.covenant.edu/
Covenant Theological Seminary:Â Â http://www.covenantseminary.edu/
Mission to North America (MNA):Â Â http://pcamna.org/
Mission to the World (MTW):Â Â http://www.mtw.org/
PCA Foundation:Â Â http://www.pcafoundation.com/
PCA Retirement and Benefits, Inc. (RBI):Â Â http://www.pcarbi.org/
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF):Â Â http://www.ruf.org/
Ridge Haven Conference and Retreat Center:Â Â http://www.ridgehaven.org/